You will start your lesson on the next month and you will not be charged for any membership usage fee from now until the beginning of the next month. You will be charged for the 1st month 4 weeks at the rate $280.00 + Registration Fee $50.00 = total $330.00 now, and then $280.00 per month automatically starting on the 1st of following month after initial month. (USD)
您的课程将从下个月开始上课,从现在起到下个月初的这段时间里,我们将不收取任何会员使用费。我们将先收您第一个月 4 周费用 $280.00 + 报名费 $50.00 = 总共 $330.00,之后,在第一个月过后,系统将在每一个月的1号自动收取月费$280.00 (美元)