FAQ Category: General
2022 Official Community Wide Holidays
We are celebrating the following holidays in 2022 for the entire community, both in-person lessons and online lessons New Year Day: Saturday January 1Luna New…
2021 Official Community Wide Holidays
We are celebrating the following holidays in 2021 for the entire community, both in-person lessons and online lessons New Year Day: Friday January 1SPRING BREAK:…
How does monthly lesson membership work and calculate?
Tuition is based on an average of four lessons per month through the calendar year and is not increased or decreased for long or short months. We…
What happens to in-person lesson when big snow storm hit?
All of Musipire’s physical New York City locations will only close on Snow Emergency Level 3, and will only affect students who are taking in-person…
Tentative recitals/showcase dates
These are tentative recitals/showcase dates in 2020, for both online and in-person. Depends on the Covid-19 pandemic, we will publish more detail inforatmion as we…
2020 Official Community Wide Holidays
We are celebrating the following holidays in 2020 for the entire community, both in-person lessons and online lessons New Year Day: Wednesday January 1SPRING BREAK: …