Tuition is based on an average of four lessons per month through the calendar year and is not increased or decreased for long or short months.
We have taken out all the holidays and days we are closed and averaged it out over the course of the year. Most months you will get 4 lessons, some months you will get 5 because there are 5 weeks that month, and other months you may only get 3 because of a holiday, but you are never paying for a day that we are closed.
Because of this, monthly tuition is neither increased nor decreased for months which happen to have three or five weekly sessions per month.
“Reschedule” are available for lessons you reschedule ahead of time and meet the minimum 48 hours requirement prior to you scheduled appointments, but not for our official community wide scheduled breaks holidays.
All of Musipire’s physical New York City locations will only close on Snow Emergency Level 3, and will only affect students who are taking in-person lesson. When a big snow storm at this level happens, we will make sure to post on our web site, social media, as well as send notifications via emails & texts.
In order to make up the entire day that was missed, we try to open on the exact same day/time that the lesson was missed, during a scheduled community wide holiday days such as Spring Break or Summer Break.
These are tentative recitals/showcase dates in 2020, for both online and in-person. Depends on the Covid-19 pandemic, we will publish more detail inforatmion as we get closer.
WINTER SHOWCASE: Friday, Saturday, Sunday DECEMBER 4th, 5th, 12th, 2020
We are celebrating the following holidays in 2020 for the entire community, both in-person lessons and online lessons
New Year Day: Wednesday January 1
SPRING BREAK: Monday March 30 – Saturday April 4 (Lessons Resume Sunday April 5)
EASTER SUNDAY: Sunday April 12
MEMORIAL DAY: Sunday May 24 – Monday May 25 (Lessons Resume Tuesday May 26)
SUMMER BREAK: Tuesday June 30 – Sunday July 5 (Lessons Resume Monday July 6)
LABOR DAY: Monday September 7
HALLOWEEN: We will be open this year since Trick or Treating will happen on Saturday evening
THANKSGIVING BREAK: Tuesday November 24 – Saturday November 28 (Lessons Resume Sunday November 29)
WINTER BREAK: Thursday December 24 – Friday January 1st (Lessons Resume Saturday January 2nd, 2021)
We are OPEN: President’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, George Washington Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Valentine’s Day, Groundhog Day
We are celebrating the following holidays in 2021 for the entire community, both in-person lessons and online lessons
New Year Day: Friday January 1
SPRING BREAK: Monday March 29 – Saturday April 3
EASTER SUNDAY: Sunday April 4 (Lessons Resume Monday April 5)
MEMORIAL DAY: Monday May 31
SUMMER BREAK: Saturday June 26 – Thursday July 1 (Lessons Resume Friday July 2)INDEPENDENCE DAY: Sunday July 4
LABOR DAY: Monday September 6
THANKSGIVING BREAK: Tuesday November 23 – Saturday November 27 (Lessons Resume Sunday November 28)
WINTER BREAK: Friday December 24 – Saturday January 1st (Lessons Resume Sunday January 2nd, 2022)
We are OPEN: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Veterans Day
We are celebrating the following holidays in 2022 for the entire community, both in-person lessons and online lessons
New Year Day: Saturday January 1
Luna New Year: Tuesday February 1
SPRING BREAK: Sunday April 17 – Friday April 22
EASTER SUNDAY: Sunday April 17 (Lessons Resume Saturday April 23)
MEMORIAL DAY: Monday May 30
SUMMER BREAK: Tuesday June 28 – Monday July 4 (Lessons Resume Tuesday July 5)
LABOR DAY: Monday September 5
THANKSGIVING BREAK: Wednesday November 23 – Sunday November 27 (Lessons Resume Tuesday November 29)
WINTER BREAK: Saturday December 24 – Sunday January 1st (Lessons Resume Tuesday January 3rd, 2023)
We are OPEN: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Veterans Day
Musipire Students
Virtually all the current existing Musipire students are on the credit system instead of monthly tuition plan.
We will transfer all of your existing lesson credits from your Musipire’s student record form to your online account. You will be able to easily check and see your old record form from Musipire, as of the last day, 03/13/2020, when we temporarily paused the operation due to Covid-19 pandemic.
Once you used up all of your existing transferred credits from your Musipire old record forms, we will convert your account into the new monthly tuition membership account and you will be switched to montly tuition system seamlessly.
In order to provide a much better customer experience, easier for customer to understand, more consistent learning results and offer a more stable and higher quality of instructors team members, upgrading our entire system is necessary for us to build a better quality of lesson ecosystems.
Switching the system was a project originally queued in our internal plan and was scheduled to be rolled out in the fall of 2020, and we just prioritized it and moved it to the top-level ever since Covid-19 started in the early 2020.
Together, with this planned project of developing our own online platform, we decided to combine the two projects and move both of them to the top priority level in our agenda due to the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic.
We will move all of your existing lesson credits and record into our new system one by one, so it will be much easier or convenient for you to track how many lesson credits you still have under your account.
Musipire is currently offering all of its current and past students 4 options to choose from, whether you still have Lesson credits left or do not have any lesson credits left.
1. Take Online Lesson
2. Take In-Person Lesson at our facilities
3. If you still have lesson credits left, but can’t decide yet, you could become our newly created Online Music Education Community members free of charge first, and make your decision within 6 months.
4. If you do not have any lesson credit left. Since you have been a Musipire student before, you are qualified to enroll and become our newly created Online Music Education Community Member, free of charge for the first 6 months promotional period. This promotional offering is only for Musipire’s old students.
(Online Music Education Community Members can browses the whole platform and interact and make friends with other members and enjoy many privileges. Taking music lessons or classes are not required and it’s also not included in the membership)
Platform Usage
Yes. Technically speaking, our tech team could create a parent and child account relationship to accommodate parents who have more than one child enrolled in Musipire and classes, however, due to we still have so many existing Musipire students and parents that are still on the lesson credit system instead of monthly tuition system, and many still have lesson credits left, and each child also has different credits under different instruments, and some was even taking multiple instruments. Therefore, it would be almost impossible to put all the variables into just one big single parent account plus sub child accounts at this stage.
However, as time goes by, most of Musipire’s students’ previous lesson credits will be used up and gradually be converted into the monthly tuition system, then we will be able to start implementing the Parent and Child accounts linking process. We are looking at around 8 months to 1-year period of time from now before all existing Musipire students can be converted into the new monthly tuition system, so we can start implementing the Parent and child accounts.
If you do not want to receive so many group messages through emails, then you can disable it under your Account, Email Preference, then choose the right options for Group Message

我们将所有假期和休假天数都排除在外,并在一年中将其平均。 大多数月份,您将获得4堂课,有些月份,您将获得5堂课,因为该月有5周,而其他月份,您可能会因假期而仅获得3堂课,但您将永远不会为我们关门或休假的天付费。
“调课” 可适用于当您提前通知调课需求,并满足提前在您上课之前最少48小时的要求,但不适用于我们正式公布的整体社区的正式休假和休息日。
所有伟乐位于纽约市的实体店都只会在大风雪级别 3 以上才会关闭,关闭将只会影响上实体店课程的学生们。 当发生级别如此大的大雪灾难时,我们将确我们在我们的网站上,社交媒体上发布讯息以及通过电子邮件和短信发送通知。
我们整个社区在 2020 年,将庆祝和休假以下假期,包括面对面实体店课程和在线课程
New Year Day: Wednesday January 1
SPRING BREAK: Monday March 30 – Saturday April 4 (Lessons Resume Sunday April 5)
EASTER SUNDAY: Sunday April 12
MEMORIAL DAY: Sunday May 24 – Monday May 25 (Lessons Resume Tuesday May 26)
SUMMER BREAK: Tuesday June 30 – Sunday July 5 (Lessons Resume Monday July 6)
LABOR DAY: Monday September 7
HALLOWEEN: We will be open this year since Trick or Treating will happen on Saturday evening
THANKSGIVING BREAK: Tuesday November 24 – Saturday November 28 (Lessons Resume Sunday November 29)
WINTER BREAK: Thursday December 24 – Friday January 1st (Lessons Resume Saturday January 2nd, 2021)
以下节日我们开门: President’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, George Washington Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Valentine’s Day, Groundhog Day
我们整个社区在 2021 年,将庆祝和休假以下假期,包括面对面实体店课程和在线课程
New Year Day: Friday January 1
SPRING BREAK: Monday March 29 – Saturday April 3
EASTER SUNDAY: Sunday April 4 (Lessons Resume Monday April 5)
MEMORIAL DAY: Monday May 31
SUMMER BREAK: Saturday June 26 – Thursday July 1 (Lessons Resume Friday July 2)INDEPENDENCE DAY: Sunday July 4
LABOR DAY: Monday September 6
THANKSGIVING BREAK: Tuesday November 23 – Saturday November 27 (Lessons Resume Sunday November 28)
WINTER BREAK: Friday December 24 – Saturday January 1st (Lessons Resume Sunday January 2nd, 2022)
以下节日我们开门: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Veterans Day
下方为我们整体社区 2022 年,官方社区行事历和休假日,包括了面对面实体店课程和在线课程
New Year Day: Saturday January 1
Luna New Year: Tuesday February 1
SPRING BREAK: Sunday April 17 – Friday April 22
EASTER SUNDAY: Sunday April 17 (Lessons Resume Saturday April 23)
MEMORIAL DAY: Monday May 30
SUMMER BREAK: Tuesday June 28 – Monday July 4 (Lessons Resume Tuesday July 5)
LABOR DAY: Monday September 5
THANKSGIVING BREAK: Wednesday November 23 – Sunday November 27 (Lessons Resume Tuesday November 29)
WINTER BREAK: Saturday December 24 – Sunday January 1st (Lessons Resume Tuesday January 3rd, 2023)
以下节日我们开门: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Veterans Day
由于新冠状病毒的大流行导致我们暂时的休息,我们会将您截至于我们暂时休息(2020年3月13日)之前所有剩余的课程学分从Musipire的学生记录表转移到您的在线网络帐户内,您将可以轻松地查阅过去 Musipire 的旧签到记录表格。
切换整个系统最初已经是在我们内部计划并已经安排好执行的一个项目,原本计划于2020年秋季推出。 自2020年初新冠状病毒爆发以来,我们将日程进行了优先安排并将其移至最高级别。
伟乐当前为我们所有的过去和目前上课的学生和家长们提供 4 种选择,无论您是否还有剩余课程学分或没有任何课程学分。
(音乐教育社区平台会员将可以浏览整个平台并与其他会员进行交流沟通并结交朋友,会员同时享有许多功能和权限。 社区会员不需要上任何音乐相关个别课或音乐课程,同时,上课也并不包括在社区会员的会费和会员权限内)
是的。 从技术上讲,我们的技术团队是可以创建一个父母与子女的联合帐户关系,好方便许多在伟乐和 有多位孩子同时注册和上课的学生家长们。但是,由于目前我们仍然有很多伟乐的学生和家长们仍持有之前在伟乐上课剩余的课程学分,且旧学分制度并不是按照新系统下的按月学费制度,再加上许学生家长每个孩子都有不同程度的课程学分剩余,有些学生还同时上多种不同乐器等。 因此,在目前阶段,我们几乎不可能将所有情况放入到一个大的家长账号加上附属的子女帐户。
然而,随着时间的过去,当伟乐的大多数学生之前的课程学分慢慢消化后将逐渐转换为每月的学费系统,之后,我们就可以开始执行 “父母与孩子” 帐户链接过程。 从现在开始,我们预估大致需要8个月至1年的时间,才能将所有现有的伟乐学生转换为新的月学费系统,当所有人都转换完毕,我们就可以开始实施家长帐户和孩子的联合帐户链接。